сряда, 13 юни 2012 г.

On the road to Sunny Beach!

  The time for a new adventure has come. Since last year , I started to regard the summer job as something less obnoxious and tiring. And why should anyone regard it as such? Sure , it gets some time and effort to get used to the workload , but after that it's all sunbathing , adventure and sports! God , I've been reminiscing of last summer's killer workouts under the hot sun. And let's not forget the whole carspotting! My eyes had the pleasure to see some exquisite rides  , vintage retro automobiles and great sportscars. Oh, and all the new people I met -  people from all over the world!  I'm eager to do it again!

 Having a summer job in another town/city is a great way to become independent and an even a greater way to  learn to wash and iron your clothes. Well , so long the gaffes from last summer's ironing attempts! I'm a master now! I can iron my shirt in 10 minutes without burning me or the t-shirt or my room mate! Or causing a conflagration ( that has never happened).

The summer job is an unique experience and I recommend it to everyone. Although your first summer might not be outstandingly bright , you'll definitely be sated and paid well ... if you happen to find a decent employer , of course . You might also have time to study if you're good at time management. That's what I'm planning to emphasize on this summer . Aye , studying. Because after 5 years of slacking there's a lot to catch up.

  And since I'm going to be in Sunny Beach in the next month and a half , I'll to  try to diversify the posts here. Hopefully I'm going to have time to do that when I start working. We'll see!